Nature Walk
In celebration of the spring equinox, families can go on a nature walk to look for signs of spring and try to find these following items:
1 daffodil
1 crocus
1 magnolia flower
1 birds nest
1 blossom tree
After your walk have your child come home and use markers to draw a picture of what they saw on their spring walk. Stay 6 feet away from those outside of your family on your walk!
Egg Peeling and Slicing
Hard Boiled Eggs
Serving plates
Knife or egg slicer
Tap the egg on a hard surface to crack the egg shell. Peel the eggs shell into a bowl.
Using a small knife, a plastic knife, or a butter knife (you can decide which type of knife to use, most children can use a small sharp knife with instruction on which side is sharp and how to hold and use a knife safely, with supervision) or an egg slicer, and slice the egg. Place the egg slices on serving plates. Offer some to your family by saying "Would you like a slice of egg?" and model polite responses, "Yes, please." or "No, thank you."
Discard the egg peel, rinse the bowl and the serving plates and put them in the dishwasher. Or, wash them in the sink.
Popcorn Balls
Make popcorn balls! Here is a link to one recipe, there are many available online:
Have your child sing "Popcorn Popping On the Apricot Tree." This is a song they have been singing in the classroom. Here is a link to the song: